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Our Recent Posts


Dr. Wagoner Johnson wins Dean's Award for Excellence in Research!
Dr. Wagoner Johnson is one of five associate professors to be awarded the 2018 College of Engineering Dean’s Excellence in Research...

Ashley helped host the 2018 weSTEM Conference
weSTEM 2018 was a success! As the 2018 weSTEM Conference director, Ashley lead a group of incredibly talented individuals to host the...

Jack awarded an Undergraduate Research Award!
Jack was awarded the MechSE Undergraduate Research Award to fund a research project on coral substrate.

Wagoner Johnson Lab welcomes 3 new undergraduate research assistants
Michael Rogalski, ME Haley Tholen, ME Arielle Pfeil, ME Wagoner Johnson Lab@illinois is excited to have three new undergrads join the...

Jeff receives Senior Design Outstanding Achievement Award!
Jeff received the ME 470 Senior Design Outstanding Achievement Award, which is awarded to a MechSE senior design project demonstrating...

Zack passes Qualifying Exam
Zack passed the first step towards his PhD, the qualifying exam. Next steps - Preliminary Exam and Final Defense! To celebrate, the...

Jonathan Chang gets an award
We are very pleased to share the news that Jonathan got Research Support Grant from the Office of Undergraduate Research to do an...
Professor Wagoner Johnson talks at MRL Conference
Professor Wagoner Johnson gave a talk entitled, "Soft Tissue Indention: Tips and Tricks for Successful Experiments and Data...

Ashley gave a talk at the ASME Dynamic Systems and Controls Conference
Ashley presented her first paper at the 2017 ASME Dynamic Systems and Controls Conference in Tyson’s Corner, VA, on October 13, 2017.

Arielle Interned at Fermi Lab
Arielle Pfeil was a part of the 2017 QuarkNet Summer Internship at Fermil National Accelerator Lab June-August 2017. The program focused...
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