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Publications: CV


List does not include conference papers. 

*Designates special recognition.


  1. Shula, R., M. R. Arshee, M. J. Laws, J. A. Flaws, M. K. Bagchi, A. J. Wagoner Johnson, I. Bagchi, "Chronic exposure of mice to phthalates enhances TGF beta signaling and promotes uterine fibrosis, Reproductive Toxicology, 122, 108491, 2023.

  2. Ostadi Moghaddam, A., M. R. Arshee, Z. Lin, M. Sivaguru, H. Phillips, B. L. McFarlin, K. C. Toussaint, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson. "An indentation-based framework for probing the glycosaminoglycan-mediated interactions of collagen fibrils." Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 140, 105726, 2023.

  3. Ostadi Moghaddam, A., M. R. Arshee, Z. Lin, M. Sivaguru, H. Phillips, B. L. McFarlin, K. C. Toussaint, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson. "Orientation-dependent indentation reveals the crosslink-mediated deformation mechanisms of collagen fibrils." Acta Biomaterialia, 158, 347-357, 2023.

  4. Yerrabelli RS, P.K. Palsgaard PK, A. Hojati, A.J. Wagoner Johnson, "Improving visualization of the cervix during pelvic exams: A simulation using a physical model of the speculum and human vagina as a steppingstone to reducing disparities in gynecological cancers," PLoS ONE 18(9): e0283145.

  5. Quinlan, Z. A., M.-J. Bennett, M. G. I. Arts, M. Levenstein, D. Flores, H. M. Tholen, L. Tichy, G. Juarez, A. F. Haas, V. F. Chamberland, K. R. W. Latijnhouwers, M. J. A. Vermeij, A. Wagoner Johnson, K. L. Marhaver, L. Wegley Kelly, "Coral larval settlement induction using tissue-associated and exuded coralline algae metabolites and the identification of putative chemical cues," 290, 1471-2954, 2023.

  6. Valat, A., Fourel, L., Sales, A., Machillot, P., Bouin, A. P., Fournier, C., Bosc, L., Arboléas, M., Bourrin-Reynard, I., Wagoner Johnson, A. J., Bruckert, F., Albigès-Rizo, C., & Picart, C., "Interplay between integrins and cadherins to control bone differentiation upon BMP-2 stimulation. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology," 10, 1027334, 2023. 

  7. Yus, J., E.N. Nixon, J. Li, J. Noriega Giménez, M.J. Bennett, D. Flores, K. L. Marhaver, L. Wegley Kelly, R. M. Espinosa-Marzal, and, A. J. Wagoner Johnson, "Composite substrates for coral larval settlement and reef restoration based on natural hydraulic lime and inorganic strontium and magnesium compounds," Submitted to Ecological Engineering.


  1. Berent, Z., J. Ishita, G. Underhill, A. J. Wagoner Johnson, "Simulated confluence on micropatterned substrates correlates responses regulating cellular differentiation," Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 119, 6, 1641-1659, 2022.

  2. Ostadi Moghaddam, A., Z. Lin, M. Sivaguru, H. Phillips, B. L. McFarlin, K. C. Toussaint, A. J. Wagoner Johnson, "Heterogeneous microstructural changes of the cervix influence cervical funneling," Acta Biomaterialia, 140, 1, 434-445, 2022.

  3. Berent, Z., J. Ishita, G. Underhill, A. J. Wagoner Johnson, "Simulated confluence on micropatterned substrates correlates responses regulating cellular differentiation," Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 119, 6, 1641-1659, 2022.

  4. Levenstein, M., K. Marhaver, Z. Quinlan, H. Tholen, L. Tichy, J. Yus, I. Lightcap, L. Wegley Kelly, G. Juarez, M. Vermeij, A. Wagoner Johnson, "Composite substrates reveal inorganic material cues for coral larval settlement," ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 10, 12, 3960–3971, 2022.

  5. Levenstein, M., D.J. Gysbers, K. Marhaver, S. Kattom, L. Tichy, Z. Quinlan, H. Tholen, L. Wegley Kelly, M. Vermeij, A. Wagoner Johnson, G. Juarez, "Millimeter-scale topography facilitates coral larval settlement in wave-driven oscillatory flow," PLoS ONE 17(9): e0274088.

  6. Berent, Z., A. J. Wagoner Johnson, "Morphological switch is associated with increase in cell-cell contacts, ALP, and confluence above a minimum island area to perimeter ratio ," Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 110(1), 164-180, 2022.


  1. W. Lee, A. O. Moghaddam, S. Shen, H. Phillips, B. L. McFarlin, A. J. Wagoner Johnson, K. C. Toussaint, "An Optomechanogram for Assessment of the Structural and Mechanical Properties of Tissues," Scientific Reports, 11, 324, 2021.  10.1038/s41598-020-79602-6

  2. Priyadarshini, P., D.L. Armstrong, J. Bodnariuc, O. Haupt, A. Wagoner Johnson, L. Underhill, R. V. Iozzo, B. E. Lechner, D. E. Wildman, "Transcriptomic profiling of fetal membranes of mice deficient in biglycan and decorin as a model of preterm birth," Biology of Reproduction, 104(3), 611-623, 2021.

  3. Armstrong,  A. A., A. Pfiel, A. G. Alleyne, A. J. Wagoner Johnson, "Process monitoring and control strategies in extrusion-based bioprinting to fabricate spatially graded structures," Biofabrication, 21, e00126, 2021.  10.1016/j.bprint.2020.e00126

  4. Cohen, D.O., S.M.G. Aboutaleb, A. Wagoner Johnson, J.A. Norato, "Bone adaptation-driven design of scaffolds," ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 143(12) 121701, 2021.


  1. A.O. Moghaddam, J. Wei, J. Kim, A.C. Dunn, and A.J. Wagoner Johnson. "An indentation-based approach to determine the elastic constants of soft anisotropic tissues," Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 103,  103539, 2020.

  2. Döbelin, N., Y. Maazouz, R. Heuberger, M. Bohner, A.  A. Armstrong, A. J. WagonerJohnson, C. Wanner, "A thermodynamic approach to surface modification of calcium phosphate implants by phosphate evaporation and condensation," Journal of the European Ceramic Society,  40(15), 6095-6106, 2020. 

  3. Armstrong, A.A., A.J. Wagoner Johnson, and A.G. Alleyne, "An Improved Approach to Iterative Learning Control for Uncertain Systems," IEEE Trans. Control System Tech. 2020. 10.1109/TCST.2019.2952327 

  4. Berent, Z., A. J. Wagoner Johnson, "Cell seeding simulation on micropatterned islands shows cell density depends on area to perimeter ratio, not on island size or shape," Acta Biomaterialia, 107, 152-163 2020.

  5. Armstrong AA, Alleyne AG, Wagoner Johnson AJ, "1D and 2D error assessment and correction for extrusion-based bioprinting using process sensing and control strategies," Biofabrication, 12(4):045023, 2020. 10.1088/1758-5090/aba8ee.

  6. W. Lee, A. O. Moghaddam, Z. Lin, B. L. McFarlin, A. J. Wagoner Johnson and K. C. Toussaint, "Quantitative Classification of 3D Collagen Fiber Organization from Volumetric Images," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 39, 12, 4425-4435, 2020. 10.1109/TMI.2020.3018939.

  7. Pantham, P. D.L. Armstrong, J. Bodnariuc, O. Haupt, A. Wagoner Johnson, L. Underhill, R. V. Iozzo, B. Lechner, D. E. Wildman, "Transcriptomic Profiling of Fetal Membranes of Mice Deficient in Biglycan and Decorin as a Model of Preterm Birth," Biology of Reproduction Biology of Reproduction, ioaa205, 2020 10.1093/biolre/ioaa205.


  1. Armstrong, A.A., J.A. Norato, A.G. Alleyne, and A.J. Wagoner Johnson, "Direct Process Feedback in Extrusion-based 3D Bioprinting," Biofabrication, 12, 015017, 2019. 10.1088/1758-5090/ab4d97

  2. *Rustom, L.E,  M.J. Poellmann, A.J.  Wagoner Johnson, "Mineralization in Micropores of Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds," Acta Biomaterialia 83, 1 435-455, 2019. Invited.

  3. Tisha, A.L., A.A. Armstrong, C. Lopez-Ortiz, and A.J. Wagoner Johnson, "A Review of Skeletal Muscle Adaptations and Passive Muscle Stiffness in Cerebral Palsy," Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 35, 1, 68-75, 2019. 

  4. W. Lee, A. O. Moghaddam, B. L. McFarlin, A. J. Wagoner Johnson, and K. C. Toussaint, "Analysis of 3D Collagen Organization in Non-pregnant Rat Cervix Tissue," in Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science APS/DLS, OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 2019), paper JW3A.92.


  1. Ho-Shui-Ling, A., J. Bolander, L.E. Rustom, A. Wagoner Johnson, F. P. Luyten, C. Picart, "Bone regeneration strategies: Engineered scaffolds, bioactive molecules and stem cells current stage and future perspectives," Biomaterials 180, 143, 2018. 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2018.07.017


  1. Lee, J.S., X. Yu, A. J. Wagoner Johnson, and W. L. Murphy, "Mineral binding peptides with enhanced binding stability in serum," Biomater. Sci.5, 663, 2017. 10.1039/C6BM00928J

  2. *Rahman, M.H., R. Goding, A. J. Wagoner Johnson, and M. Kersh, "Primary and secondary consequences of rotator cuff injury on joint stabilizing tissues in the shoulder," Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 139, 110801-1, 2017.  Featured in a Special Issue: Spotlight on the Future of Musculoskeletal Biomechanics: Frontiers and Challenges in Musculoskeletal Biomechanics. doi:10.1115/1.4037917

  3. *Rustom, L. E., T. Boudou, B. W. Nemke, Y. LU, D. J. Hoelzle, M.D. Markel, C. Picart, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, "Multiscale porosity directs bone regeneration in biphasic calcium phosphate scaffolds," ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng.  3, 11, 2768-2778. Invited for the Special Issue: Multiscale Biological Materials and Systems: Integration of Experiment, Modeling, and Theory. 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.6b00632

  4. Randrianandrasanal, M., W. Y. Wu, D. A. Carney, A. Wagoner Johnson, and M. R. Berenbaum, "Structural and mechanical properties of cocoons of Antherina suraka, an endemic species used for silk production in Madagascar," Journal of Insect Science, 17(1), 1–8, 2017.  10.1093/jisesa/iew112

  5. Polak, S.J., J.S. Lee, W.L. Murphy, S. Tadier, L. Grémillard, I.V. Lightcap, and A.J. Wagoner Johnson, "Microstructural control of modular peptide release from microporous biphasic calcium phosphate," Materials Science and Engineering C: Materials for Biological Applications, 72, 268-277, 2017.

  6. Armstrong, A; Wagoner Johnson, A.J.; Alleyne, A.G., “Easy to use 3D printer for fabrication of biological scaffolds,” Proc. of the ASME 2017 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, October 2017. 10.1115/DSCC2017-5147


  1. *Rustom, L.E., T. Boudou, S. Lou, I. Pignot-Paintrand, B. W. Nemke, Y. Lu, M. Markel, C. Picart, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, "Micropore-induced Capillarity Enhances Bone Distribution in vivo in Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds," Acta Biomaterialia 44, 144-154, 2016. Featured in a special issue Calcium and phosphate-based biomaterials for biomedical applications, April 2018 (M. Bohner ed.)  10.1016/j.actbio.2016.08.025

  2. Poellmann, M. J., J. B. Estrada, T. Boudou, Z. T. Berent, C. Franck, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, "Differences in morphology and traction generation of cell lines representing different stages of osteogenesis," J Biomech Eng, 137(12), 124503, 2016. doi:10.1115/1.4031848

  3. Xie, Y., L.E. Rustom, A.M. McDermott, J.D. Boerckel, A.J. Wagoner Johnson, A.G. Alleyne, and D.J. Hoelzle, "Net shape fabrication of calcium phosphate scaffolds with multiple material domains," Biofabrication, 8, 015005, 2016.

  4. Wei, J., B.L. McFarlin, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, "A multi-indent approach for surface detection of soft materials during instrumented indentation," Journal of Materials Research, 31(17), 2672-2685, 2016.

  5. Durgam, S.S., A. A. Stewart, M. Sivaguru, A. J. Wagoner Johnson, and M. C. Stewart, "Tendon-derived progenitor cells improve healing of collagenase-induced flexor tendinitis," Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 34(12), 2162–2171, 2016. 10.1002/jor.23251

  6. Cho, J., C. Charavaryamath, R.J. Wagner, J. Wei, A.J. Wagoner Johnson, and D.J. Griffon, "Effects of hypoxia and chitosan on umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells," Stem Cells International, vol. 2016, Article ID 2987140, 2016. 10.1155/2016/2987140


  1. Hoelzle, D., A. J. Wagoner Johnson, and A. Alleyne, "A Bumpless Transfer Filter for Exogenous Feedforward Signals," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 22(4), 1581-1588, 2014. 10.1109/TCST.2013.2278534

  2. Poellmann, M. J. and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, "Multimaterial polyacrylamide: fabrication with electrohydrodynamic jet printing, applications, and modeling," Journal of Biofabrication, 6 035018, 2014. 10.1088/1758-5082/6/3/035018

  3. Santos, M. P., S. D. Gutierrez-Nibeyro, G. P. Horn, A. J. Wagoner Johnson, M. C. Stewart, and D. J. Schaeffer, "Mechanical properties of various suture materials and placement patterns tested with surrogate in vitro model constructs simulating laryngeal advancement tie-forward procedures in horses," American Journal of Veterinary Research, 75(5), 2014. 10.2460/ajvr.75.5.500


  1. Poellmann, M. J., E. K. Chien, B. L. McFarlin, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, "Mechanical and Structural Changes of the Rat Cervix in Late-stage Pregnancy," Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 17, 6 6 – 7 5, 2013. 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2012.08.002

  2. Mahmoud, H., A. Wagoner Johnson, B. McFarlin, E. Chien, and M. Poellmann, "System-level biomechanical approach for the evaluation of term and preterm pregnancy maintenance," Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 135(2):021009, 2013. 10.1115/1.4023486

  3. Lau, T. Y., H. K. Sangha, E. K. Chien, B. L. McFarlin, A. J. Wagoner Johnson, and K. C. Toussaint, "Application of Fourier transform-second-harmonic generation imaging to the rat cervix," Journal of Microscopy, 251(1), 77–83, 2013. 10.1111/jmi.12046

  4. Polak, S. J., L. E. Rustom, G. M. Genin, M. Talcott, and A.J. Wagoner Johnson, "A mechanism for effective cell-seeding in rigid, microporous substrates," Acta Biomaterialia 9, 7977–7986, 2013. 10.1016/j.actbio.2013.04.040

  5. Poellmann, M. J. and A.J. Wagoner Johnson, "Characterizing and Patterning Polyacrylamide Substrates Functionalized with N-Hydroxysuccinimide," Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, 6(3), 299-309, 2013. 10.1007/s12195-013-0288-5


  1. Polak, S. J., S. J. Candido, S. K. Lan Levengood, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, "Automated Segmentation of Micro-CT Images of Bone Formation in Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds," Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 36, 54-6, 2012. 10.1016/j.compmedimag.2011.07.004


  1. *Wagoner Johnson, A. J. and B. A. Herschler, "A Review of the Mechanical Behavior of CaPs and CaP/polymer Composites for Applications in Bone Repair and Replacement," Acta Biomaterialia, 7, 16-30, 2011. Listed in top 25 most cited in the journal since 2009 (as of 12/01/16). As of 2/17, this highly cited paper received enough citations to place it in the top 1% of the academic field of Materials Science based on a highly cited threshold for the field and publication year. Data from Essential Science Indicators℠.  10.1016/j.actbio.2010.07.012

  2. Hoelzle, D. J., A. G. Alleyne, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, "Basis Task Approach to Iterative Learning Control with Applications to micro-Robotic Deposition," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 19:5, 1138 - 1148, 2011. 10.1109/TCST.2010.2063030

  3. Barton, K. L., D. J. Hoelzle, A. G. Alleyne, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, "Cross Coupled Iterative Learning Control of Systems with Dissimilar Dynamics: Design and Implementation," International Journal of Control, 84:7, 1223 - 1233, 2011. 10.1080/00207179.2010.500334

  4. Thorpe, M., R. Valentine, C. Moulton, A. J. Wagoner Johnson, E. Evans, and D. Layman, "Breast Tumors Induced by N-methyl-N-nitrosourea are Damaging to Bone Strength, Structure and Mineralization in the Absence of Metastasis in Rats," Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 26(4), 769–776, 2011. 10.1002/jbmr.277

  5. *Ramachandra Rao, R. A., K. C. Toussaint, and A.J. Wagoner Johnson, "The Effect of Keratoconus on the Structural, Mechanical, and Optical Properties of the Cornea," Journal of Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 4, 223-226, 2011. Invited. Top 25 hottest articles in JMBBM for Spring 2011 (April -June). 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2010.09.014

  6. Polak,S. J.,S. K. Lan Levengood, M. B. Wheeler, A. J. Maki, S. G. Clark, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson,"Analysis of the roles of Microporosity and BMP-2 on Multiple Measures of Bone Regeneration and Healing in Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds," Acta Biomaterialia,7(4),1760-1771, 2011. 10.1016/j.actbio.2010.12.030

  7. *Poellman, M. J., K. L. Barton, S. Mishra, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, "Patterned Hydrogel Substrates for Cell Culture with Electrohydrodynamic Jet Printing," Macromolecular Bioscience, 11(9), 1164-1168, 2011. Cover for September 2011 issue. 10.1002/mabi.201100004

  8. Lan Levengood, S., M. Poellmann, S. G. Clark, D. Ingram, M. Yoder, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, "Human Endothelial Colony Forming Cells Undergo Vasculogenesis within Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Bone Tissue Engineering Constructs," Acta Biomaterialia, 7(12) 4222-4228, 2011. 10.1016/j.actbio.2011.07.006

  9. Norato, J. A. and A. J.Wagoner Johnson, "A Computational and Cellular Solids Approach to the Stiffness-based Design of Bone Scaffolds," ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 133(9), 091003-1-091003-8, 2011. 10.1115/1.4004994

  10. *Hoelzle, D. J., S. R. Svientek, A. G. Alleyne, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, "Design and Manufacture of Combinatorial Calcium Phosphate Bone Scaffolds," ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 133(10), 101001, 2011. Most downloaded article for November 2011. Cover for October 2011 issue. 10.1115/1.4005173


  1. Lan Levengood, S., S. Polak, M. B. Wheeler, A. Maki, S. G. Clark, R. D. Jamison, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, "Multiscale Osteointegration as a New Paradigm for Bone Scaffold Design," Biomaterials, 31, 3552-3563, 2010. 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2010.01.052

  2. Lan Levengood, S., S. Polak, M. Poellmann, D. Hoelzle, A. Maki, S. G. Clark, M. B. Wheeler, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, "The Effect of BMP-2 on Micro and Macroscale Osteointegration of Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds with Multiscale Porosity," Acta Biomaterialia, 6, 3283–3291, 2010. 10.1016/j.actbio.2010.02.026

  3. Poellmann, M., P. Harrell, W. P. King, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, "Geometric Microenvironment Directs Cell Morphology on Topographically Patterned Hydrogel Substrates," Acta Biomaterialia, 6,3514–3523, 2010. 10.1016/j.actbio.2010.03.041

  4. *Lee, J. S., A. J. Wagoner Johnson, and W.L. Murphy, "A Modular, Hydroxyapatite-binding Version of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor," Advanced Materials,22, 48, 5494–5498, 2010. Featured for inside cover image. 10.1002/adma.201002970


  1. Hilldore A. J. , A. W. Morgan, J. R. Woodard, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, “The Curve Integration Method Is Comparable to Manual Segmentation for the Analysis of Bone/Scaffold Composites Using Micro-CT,” Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials, 88B:1, 271-279, 2009. 10.1002/jbm.b.31178

  2. McIntosh, L., J. Cordell, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, “Impact of Bone Geometry on Effective Properties of Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds,” Acta Biomaterialia, 5:2,680-692, 2009. 10.1016/j.actbio.2008.09.010 

  3. Park, C. J., N. P. Gabrielson, D. W. Pack, R. D. Jamison, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, “The Effect of Chitosan on the Migration of Neutrophil-like HL60 Cells," Mediated by IL-8,” Biomaterials, 30:4, 436-444, 2009.  10.1016/j.biomaterials.2008.09.060

  4. *Cordell, J., M. Vogl, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, “The Influence of Micropore Size on the Mechanical Properties of Bulk Hydroxyapatite and Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds,” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2:5, 560-570, 2009. Listed in the most cited 25 articles in journal since 2009 for at least 4  years. 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2009.01.009

  5. Park, C. J., S. G. Clark, C. A. Lichtensteiger, R. D. Jamison, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, “Accelerated Wound Closure of Pressure Ulcers in Aged Mice by Chitosan Scaffolds with or without bFGF,” Acta Biomaterialia 5:1926-1936, 2009. 10.1016/j.actbio.2009.03.002

  6. *Lee, J. S., A. Wagoner-Johnson, and W. L. Murphy, "Modular Peptide Growth Factors for Substrate-Mediated Stem Cell Mediated Differentiation," Angewandte Chemie International Edition 121:6384-6387, 2009. Listed as "hot topic" by editor.  10.1002/anie.200901618


  1. Hoelzle, D., A. G. Alleyne, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, “Micro-Robotic Deposition Guidelines by a Design of Experiments Approach to Maximize Process Reliability for the Bone Scaffold Application,” Acta Biomaterialia, 4, 897-912, 2008. 10.1016/j.actbio.2008.02.018


  1. *Woodard, J., A. Hilldore, S. Lan, C. J. Park, A. W. Morgan, J. C. Eurell, S. G. Clark, M. B. Wheeler, R. Jamison, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, “The Mechanical Properties and Osteoconductivity of Hydroxyapatite Bone Scaffolds with Multi-scale Porosity,” Biomaterials, 28, 45-54, 2007. Listed in the top ten most downloaded June 2007. As of 2/17, this highly cited paper received enough citations to place it in the top 1% of the academic field of Materials Science based on a highly cited threshold for the field and publication year. Data from Essential Science Indicators℠  10.1016/j.biomaterials.2006.08.021

  2. Hilldore, A., A. Wojtowicz, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, “Micro-CT based Quantification of Non-mineralized Tissue on Cultured Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds,” Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 82A:4, 1012-1021, 2007. 10.1002/jbm.a.31264

2006 and Earlier

  1. Wagoner Johnson, A. J., N. Juan Serrano, A. W. Morgan, R. Jamison, Y. B. Choy, H. Choi, K. (Kevin) Kim, and F. DeCarlo, “Imaging Therapeutic Proteins in Gelatin for Controlled Drug Release,” Macromolecular Symposia, 227, 295-305, 2005.  10.1002/masy.200550929

  2. Wagoner Johnson, A. J., R. F. Hamilton, H. Sehitoglu, H. J. Maier, G. Biallas, Y. I. Chumlyakov, and H. S. Woo, “Analysis of Multistep Transformations in Single Crystal NiTi,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 36:4, 919-928, 2005.​ 10.1007/s11661-005-0286-x

  3. Efstathiou, C., H. Sehitoglu, A. J. Wagoner Johnson, R. F. Hamilton, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Large Reduction in Critical Stress in Co–Ni–Al upon Repeated Transformation,” Scripta Materialia, 51:10, 979-985, 2004. 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2004.07.014

  4. Yu, N., A. Polycarpou, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, “Measuring Mechanical Properties in Fine Wire Cross-Sections Used in Medical Devices,” Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 70B:1, 106-113, 2004. 10.1002/jbm.b.30027

  5. Wagoner Johnson, A. J., C. L. Briant, K. S. Kumar, and C. W. Bull, “The Influence of Microstructure and Strain Rate on the Compressive Deformation Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 34A, 2, 295-306, 2003. 10.1007/s11661-003-0331-6

  6. Wagoner Johnson, A. J., K. S. Kumar, and C. L. Briant, “Deformation Mechanisms in Ti-6Al-4V/TiC Composites,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 34A, 9, 1869-1877, 2003. 10.1007/s11661-003-0152-7

  7. Carins, D. R., G. M. Genin, A. J. Wagoner, C. L. Briant, and G. P. Crawford, “Amplified Strain-Rate Dependence of Deformation in Polymer-Dispersed Liquid-Crystal Materials,” Applied Physics Letters, 75:13, 1872-1874, 1999. 10.1063/1.124856

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