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Haley received the Clare Boothe Luce Undergraduate Research Award for 2020-2021!

Haley Tholen has been selected as one of 8 Inaugural Undergraduate Clare Boothe Luce (CBL) Research Scholars at the University of Illinois for the upcoming academic year 2020-2021. The Clare Boothe Luce Foundation strives to support women undergraduates in STEM disciplines who are leaning towards attending graduate school and continuing research. Scholars in the CBL program will participate in the Illinois Scholars Undergraduate (ISUR) program and will receive funds for their research projects. At the end of the year, students will give several poster presentations on their progress. Haley has been an ISUR Scholar in the current academic year (2019-2020) and will continue next year as a nationally-recognized Clare Boothe Luce Scholar. You can learn more about the CBL Research Scholars Program at the University of Illinois here.


1206 W Green Street
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, IL 61801

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